Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I Come to Bury Star Jones, Not to Praise Her

We will never see the Rosie smackdown. It's a shame. But really, Star should have been more gracious. Watch Gawker's clip. She burned one of the biggest bridges in the business. Good luck with that. I feel bad for Star because she has not seemed happy since she got skinny. And, her marriage to Al has been ragged on by everyone. The best quote has to be from Kathy Griffin. "Al is so gay, when he walks by all you hear is snapping." But, she never made herself seem like a real person. Her over the top self-love made her unbearable.

I am really only sad that the Rosie smackdown will not occur. Shameful. I cry a single Indian litter tear for this chain of events.

Name that Movie (A New Game)

So, for all you movie nerds, I've decided to post a weekly movie music list. I'll give you three songs that were in a movie and you try to guess which movie I'm talking about.
I know that most people use this page to suck time. So, I thought I would do my part.

Here it is...
Which movie featured these three songs?
Jump into the Fire (Nilsson)
Remember (Walkin' in the Sand) (Shangri-Las)
Sunshine of Your Love (Cream)

If noone gets it in a few guesses, I'll add a final song that might give it away.
Good luck!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

My Apologies

So, I'm working on my You Tube page. Please be patient and the hilarity will ensue!

Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm On You Tube!!!!

If you want to check out my hilarious comedy, and by hilarious I mean mediocore. Then check out the link below. It might still be tweaking a bit, but give it a try.


A Few Small Shout Outs!!!!

So, I was gone for a few days. But, I'm back. More movie reviews will be coming! But for now, just a few small messages.

  • I hope everyone in NYC had a great Pride weekend. In this crazy time where the older generation is trying to make things the way they want, we all have to fight for our GLTB brothers and sisters. Celebrate diversity always.
  • I got the job at Manhattan Charter School. I will be the program director of the After-School Program and I will also be working one day a week on their library. Wish me luck!
  • Happy Birthday to Kristy and Eroica. Good luck and God bless
  • And finally, congratulations of graduation to my girl Kaela. I am so proud of her. Words can never say how much I have wished for this day. Life has so much to offer and this is only the first step.

So, that's all for now. Check back soon. Reviews, music opinions, and some other surprises are coming your way.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Amy's Movie Reviews

So, another round of hilarious and insightful movie reviews from yours truly.

X3: The Last Stand (dir. Bret Ratner)
So, I am a big X-Men fan. I loved the first two movies and the 90's cartoon show was appointment viewing for me in college. Don't ask. But, this last movie was highly dissapointing. The action scenes were great and I thought my favorite character, Beast, was handled well. The rest of the movie, however, was highly lacking. When you see a movie like this with my hubby a huge comic book fan you start to hate it even more. He knew everything and what they did wrong with them. So, not good times. As usual, Halle Berry was the weak link. I have said this from the beginning, Iman is perfect. For God's sake she's African, beautiful, tall, and regal. Last time I checked, Storm was all those things. The main point of the XMen is the idea of being gay, Jewish, or minority. Bryan Singer, as a gay man, brought a feeling to the films that was vital. Bret ratner has never really been an outsider, therefore, he is not really the right fit for the XMen. Oh well, I await Superman and Spider-Man 3.

The Break-Up (dir. Peyton Reed)
Everyone knows I am not a huge Jennifer Aniston fan. I find that she seems really rigid and not comfortable with herself. Nicole Kidman has this problem as well. But, Nicole gave about ten amazing performances and I had to reconsider. Aniston has not really done that yet. I think she might be a good actor, I just haven't seen it yet. So, it is with all that in kind that I tell you how much I liked this movie. The story has been told many times, however, it takes a very non-commercial way to get there. It is surprising how little it feels like this movie was made by committee. It has a strong voice that doesn't cheat. It's funny and sad and will hit a lot of people close to home. I am really happy how well the movie has done. I think it will surprise a lot of people with the risks it takes. Give it a chance, I did and was greatly rewarded.

A Prairie Home Companion (dir. Robert Altman)
So, you all knew I would see this movie opening weekend. Robert Altman is my favorite director. Bad Altman is still better than say, really good Michael Bay. The movie is typical Altman so I enjoyed it. The acting is solid, the songs are god, blah blah blah. You've heard it all before. If you like Altman or Grrison Keillor see the movie. Everyone else should stay away. The "Bad Jokes" number steals the show and Kevin Kline gives the best performance.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Sentiments Exactly!

I usually don't cut and paste, but reading this I felt such a kinship to what the author wrote, I wasnted to let others see it. I found it through Gawker and it was originally posted on

Last night some words were had on a slow-moving G train from Greenpoint. The first set of words came from an older Hispanic gentleman. He was celebrating Puerto Rican pride with a friend, by yelling in drunken Spanish and smoking a cigarette on the train.

The second set of words were delivered by a young, white woman who was the very picture of North Williamsburg gentrification—H&M army jacket, fixed-gear bicycle, and a scruffy sense of political activism and civic pride that someday will calcify into exacting self-righteousness played out with a series of handmade signs around her apartment building, bearing messages like "THIS TREE NEEDS WATER, NOT DOG PEE" and "PLEASE STOP YOUR VAL-PAK TERRORISM NOW!!" Having no apparent Puerto Rican pride of her own, she was admonishing/lecturing the older gentleman on his special day.

"You're smoking on the train. Do. Not. Smoke. On. The. Train." Her words were clipped, like she was assembling sentences with something called SEVERELY DISAPPROVING MAGNETIC POETRY. As she lectured the old man, he waved her off and took turns dragging from his cigarette and chuckling in Spanish. ("Chuckling in Spanish" is also a very dirty sex act that involves a large meal, some nitrous oxide and a diaper attached to a slingshot.) While he chuckled and smoked, she continued.

"Stop. Smoking. Now."


"Seriously. Stop. It's. Illegal. You. Are. Making. All. Of. Us. Sick. With. Your. Smoking. Can. You. Understand. Me?"


"Stop. It. Stop. It. Stop."


Finally, she resorted to the quintessential square-and-angry-and-struggling-to-relate-to-inner-city-types plea: "That's not cool, man. That's NOT COOL." Whenever I hear those words—and I've even said them myself, after exchanging a lot of angry dialogue with 10 year-old black kid who had hurled a rock at my girlfriend as she rode by on her bicycle—I get a horrible feeling in my skin, like all the Caucasian is racing up to the surface. Spike Lee perfectly captured this particular kind of inter-racial discomfort in Do the Right Thing, when John Savage (in his Celtics jersey – get it?) had some loud words with a group of black teenagers after accidentally scuffing one of their brand-new Air Jordans. ("Them shits is broke!")

In the battle of Puerto Rican Pride vs. Civic Pride, it was a dead heat. The more the young woman scolded the old man, the more drunk and cigarette-crazy he seemed to get. Finally, the conductor popped his head out and explained that cops were on their way. (The young girl took this as a win for her team, and warned the old man that now the cops were coming and he was going to have to pay $100 for smoking and no one could go anywhere because we were all stopped thanks to him and I hope you're happy. He was, by all accounts, happy.) Moments later, three uniformed officers entered the train and ordered the old man and his pal to vacate the train. While this was happening, the young girl and her friends were helpfully pointing out where the old man had hastily discarded his cigarette.

Perhaps their Puerto Rican pride was radiating too strongly, because the old men refused to exit the train. (Or didn't understand the request.) A minor scuffle broke out and, finally, two of the officers lifted the drunks out of their seats, their old arms waggling, grabbing at the air, and roughly escorted them off the train with a hearty shove. The train doors closed, and we all proceeded in silence.

Though I was sorry to see the old men go, it was kind of interesting to see how the situation was handled. Sometimes I forget that police officers can just grab people and shove them out of a train, and that's just called "protecting and serving." If anyone else had done that (and many of us were surely thinking about it) it would have been considered short-tempered, and possibly a little insane/dangerous. But the police intervention seemed pretty reasonable.

Honestly, whether they were wearing police badges or Batman costumes, the uniform really does justify certain types of behavior. I only wish one of the officers had turned on the young girl, pushed a finger into her collarbone, and said, "And you: calm the fuck down. Your lack of Puerto Rican pride disgusts me! NOT COOL." because that was the other thing I really wanted to do but was too afraid it would make me look crazy.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Gamma Rays Comedy

So, to elevate my career, I have begun producing an amazing show in Brooklyn. Here are all the gory details.

Every Thursday @ 8pm
Gamma Rays Comedy
Bar Reis 375 5th Ave. (b'twn 5th and 6th St.) Park Slope, Brooklyn

$5 Cover Charge with no drink minimums and maximums.

This week come see Robin Fox, Omar Beer, Dan Shaki, Josh Homer, Raquel D'Apice, Simeon Goodson, and Michelle Buteau. Hosted by Gamma Rays and Mr. Plow's own Amy Patrick.

Check us out!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Being Amy Patrick

So, I decided to write to keep everyone up with by bi-yearly bout of bronchitis. I have been sick for about three days and today it hit the jackpot. The weather change, my asthma, and my husband being sick all lead to a perfect storm of illness. Huzzah!
But, today, although I am feeling better, I look worse. I went to the gym to sweat out toxins, yes I believe that shit, and it worked. It worked too well. It broke my fever. After the gym I went to my DJ spinning class at Scratch. I was sweating like Whitney Houston for the entire class. It was beautiful. I was coughing, sweating, and sniffing. I might have slightly looked like a drug addict.

So, I'm back home with a fan on my face so I can sweat in piece. I might go to a movie later. Hopefully, the AC in theater will be blasting so noone will notice that I was just at Clive Davis's farewell party singing with my husband, the king of R&B.

For you Chris Rock fans that can translate to rocks and blunts or ribs and bar-b-que.

I have a ton of shows booked next week, so please pray to whatever higher power you believe in for my recovery. Every little bit helps!

"Crack is wack". Words to live by.