Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Songs I Wish Were Written About Me...

I Need Love (LL Cool J)- The ultimate couple's skate song at the roller rink. A heartfelt and touching song. To be the girl that could melt a tough guy's heart so thoroughly, is an amazing thing.

Something/Layla (George Harrison/Eric Clapton)- A 2 for 1. Who wouldn't want to be Patti Hansen getting two songs written about them? And, two amazing songs written about them? Two really great songs in totally different styles.

Lay Lady Lay (Bob Dylan)- Dylan is the ultimate "hey babe, I wrote this song just for you" guy. But what girl wouldn't melt to "his clothes are dirty but his hands are clean/ and your the best thing that he's ever seen"?

When I Fall in Love (it will be forever) (Stevie Wonder)- Stevie wrote a lot of really beautiful songs and My Cherie Amour is just as good, but nothing makes me swoon like this one.

Wild Horses (Jagger/Richards)- This also ties with Beast of Burden. The Stones wrote some amazingly misogynistic songs like "Brown Sugar" and "Under my Thumb" but this one is a beauty and the lyrics with Mick's fake black dude voice is stunning.

Tiny Dancer (Bernie Taupin)- A song about a groupie. But, the best groupie. The lyrics are not really romantic, but the feeling the song evokes makes you want to be this girl.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Real Sports...

I need real sports. I HATE baseball. Basketball, Soccer, Football, Tennis, The Olympics. All of these are so much better than baseball. In fact, to me baseball is a series of skills. You only have to be good at one of them. Pitchers are not expected to hit, the good hitters with bad bag skills are sent to the outfield, and base players have to be average at everything. So, yawn, I'm already tired of talking about this.

I also feel that golf is a series of skills that are needed, as is NASCAR, but neither is really a sport, I compare them to pool, darts, poker, spelling bees, World's Strongest Man Competitions, and the like. These are all skills that win prizes not actual sports.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Most Awesome News!!!

So, I'm starting a HILARIOUS new web page for all your Amy needs.

Check it Out kiddies!

Best Music Videos...Ever...

So, I was thinking about this on my way to work today. Here's a list of, to me, the best music videos ever. I will put the bands name and the song and the director if I know it.

  • Closer NIN Dir. Mark Romanek
  • Criminal Fiona Apple Dir. Mark Romanek
  • Praise You Fatboy Slim Dir. Spike Jonze
  • Sabatoge Beastie Boys Dir. Spike Jonze
  • Bittersweet Symphony The Verve Dir. Walter Stern
  • Freedom 90 George Michael Dir. David Fincher
  • High and Dry Radiohead Dir. Jamie Thaves
  • You Did it to Yourself Dir. Jamie Thaves
  • It's Oh So Quiet Bjork Dir. Spike Jonze
  • California Love Dr. Dre/Tupac Dir. Hype Williams
  • All About the Benjamins(remix) Dir. Spike Jonze
  • Stan Eminem Dir. Phillip Atwell
  • Fly Foo Fighters Dir. Michele Gondry
  • What's My Name? Snoop Dogg Dir. Dr. Dre
  • 99 Problems Jay Z Dir. Mark Romanek

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Everything I Need to Know About Life...

I learned from Martin Scorsese.

  • The smallest guy in the room is the one with the most issues, don't mess with him unless you want a shot to the knee or a pen to the neck.
  • If you hear the strains of Eric away something bad is going to happen, probably to you.
  • In fact, also be on the look out for "All Along the Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix. Nothing good ever came of that song either.
  • Heroes are tragically flawed and need a strong dose of Catholic redemption.
  • Life is full of compromise and you will be forced to make those compromises.
  • Everyone should have a colorful nickname.
  • Whether you are the Dalai Lama, Howard Hughes, a low level thug, or coke head, the course of true love will not run smooth. In fact, most people will break your hearts.

What have you learned from Martin Scorsese?

Friday, July 01, 2005

Sandra Day O'Connor

The Honorable Sandra Day O'Connor has just retired from the Supreme Court. O'Connor is the first female jusge on the Supreme Court and is probably the most legally savvy. She was never one to write opinions or dissents, but many times her vote was 5-4 winner that was needed. O'Connor was a classic conservative and followed the rule of law. Following law creates ones beliefs to fall into line with moral relativism. Unfortunately, many Christian Consveratives do not undertsand this.
O'Connor never legislated her values from the bench. She believed in the Constitution as a valueable part of our lives, but as also a living document that did not die in 1776 and was not the sole province of the founding fathers.
All of us should remember O'Connor for her hard work on hard issues. As we slip farther away from other nations and closer to our "enemies" in theocracies, I hope all involved in the choosing of her replacement remember this.
And Gonzalez is Spanish for "Souter". Keep your fingers crossed.