Thursday, August 09, 2007

Why was the Summer Movie Season so Bad This Year?

So, I have been hitting the multiplexes this summer. And I have one worrd. BLAH! I usually enjoy summer movies for what they are, mindless fun. But, so far, this summer it hasn't been much fun.

Most movies have been profoundly dissapointing. I have only truly enjoyed 2 movies, 1408 and Knocked Up. Why? Both of these movies were just entertaining. They didn't try to be something they weren't. Ratatouille was fine, but it was not The Incredibles.

All the big stuff Spidey, Harry Potter, Transformers were all let downs.

So, how will my summer be saved? Below is a list of movies I haven't seen yet, but have some faith in:

Bourne Ultimatum
Rescue Dawn
The 10 (I still have a soft spot for The State)

It's a shame that this summer has been such a letdown. I am going to see Hairspray by myself tomorrow. I am not expecting much. Maybe that's how I should have approached the whole summer.

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