Saturday, January 06, 2007

Random Thoughts...

So, lately I've had a lot on my mind. Much like the insane Tracy Jordan on 30 Rock, I wanted to write down a few musings.
Off topic: If you are not watching 30 Rock, you are missing out. It's the funniest show on TV right now.

Back to your regularly scheduled blog...
Here are some things I've been thinking about for the past month. I'm sure I'll seem crazy, but who cares.

  • Are the parents in "The Parent Trap" the best parents in the world or the worst parents in the world for what they did by splitting up their twin daughters?
  • Is "Dreamgirls" the gayest movie ever made? (Seeing this in a theater seemingly holding the entire cast of Noah's Arc may have clouded my view about that.)
  • Why are the NJ Nets so bad this year? They should be first in their division. They have some great new rookies and bench guys. Hopefully, Lawrence Frank will be fired by the All-Star break. More on this topic to come.
  • I still miss Chappelle's Show
  • Being told you are too edgy for Showtime at the Apollo and too mean for the Comic Strip can put you in a small depression about your comedy career.
  • Being asked "what are you good for" can put you in a small depression about your day job.
  • Hopefully this weather, seemingly a bell weather for the Apocalypse, can get me out of ever having to be succesful.
  • And finally, I saw an amazing retro Soul Train episode today. If you live in NYC it's on every Sat. at noon on the CW11. Today's highlight was Al Green performing. He was still arm bandaged from hisd hot grits drama. Riveting TV.

So, that's about it for now. I made several New Year's resolutions and one of them was to write more, perform more, and become more well-rounded. Hopefully, this is the start of some real creativity.

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