Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Senior Year of High School

So, I always end up doing these dumb things, but this one was a little different so I thought I would share. Unfortunately, I am terribly boring, so this is proably going to be deadly dull. Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be.

Who was your best friend(s)? Steve Trimble, Shawn Ruble, Dale Edwards, Stephanie Smith, not many others, I am a loner by nature.

What kind of car did you drive? Didn't drive, had many traumatic incidents with the driving test.

It's Friday night, where were you? At a football game performing with color guard and then heading out for food and hanging out.

Were you a partier? No, but I found out later people thought I was a slut.

Were you considered a flirt? No, boys (not men) are intimidated by humor and brains.

Ever skip school? All the time. I usually tallied about 20 days out a year.

Were you a nerd? Yes and I still am.

Did you get suspended/expelled? No, but many detentions and other drama.

Can you sing the fight song? Yeah

Who was your favorite teacher? Ms. Stevens, people thought she was tough, I thought she was one of our more cultured teachers. I will also include Senora Catron on this list.

Favorite class? English and Advanced PE

What was your school's full name? Carlisle High School

School mascot? Indians (Sambo was already taken)

Did you go to Senior Prom? Yes. Got dumped by my 1st date but Ruble pulled through for me.

If you could go back and do it over, would you? I wouldn't go back. My life has been really great after it.

What do you remember most about graduation? The feeling of relief and my itchiness to move to NYC.

Favorite memories of your Senior Year? Hanging out with people, debating politics with Steve Trimble and Kevin Ritchie, Academic team and Teen Counseling sleepover, both of which changed my life.

Where were you on senior skip day? Who knows, many days were senior skip day!

Did you have a job your senior year? Yes. I worked for a catering company on the weekends and then also did babysitting. That summer I worked midnights at Meijers.

Where did you go most often for lunch? The cafeteria, sitting with my nerdy AP friends and usually reading a magazine. Hollaback Sassy!

What did you do after graduation? Went to college, got married in Las Vegas, moved to NYC. The rest is history.

When did you graduate? 1994

Are you going to your 10 year reunion? I did. I was hoping the women would have been fatter. But the guys aged in dog years. I might do the 20, just to see what's up.

What school did you're school hate most? Franklin

Who will repost this after you? Who knows?

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