Thursday, May 18, 2006

The End of an Era

So, tonight Will and Grace had their series finale. I watched it. Full disclosure, I haven't watched this show in years. But, I wanted to watch the finale because I think this show, when it first aired, was a revelation. It had gay characters who spoke in a truly "gay" way. There were in jokes, sexy jokes, and a wealth of pop culture.

For me, I related to the show. When it first appeared I was still single and my best friend, then as now was my own Will Truman, Dale. I related to the closeness of the characters. Many things on the show seemed as if they were my life. I know if Dale reads this, he knows that Will and Grace's dominance at games was directly lifted from our lives.

After college I got married and moved to NYC. Dale came with his partner Tom and moved close by. As I watched the finale. All of the talk of destiny and how those who are supposed to be in your life will always be there, spoke to me. I got a little teary thinking about my life and how much richer it is because of all of those who have come into my life. Especially my best friend.

So, the episode was fine. But, the feelings that it brought up meant something. Honestly, without this show I don't think acceptance would be where it is. We have a long way to go, but in it's own way, Will and Grace brought gay people into millions of homes and maybe a few out of their closets. So, with all that said, goodbye Will and Grace. The world is better because you were on the air.


  1. I kinda thought it was overly stereotypical... There shouldn't have to be a show about "gay" people. Or about "black" people. It should just be a funny show. If the actors weren't as talented as they are (Debra Messing excluded--cause I think she is downright awful), the show would have really sucked, IMHO.

  2. But, until people are not marginalized there will be niche shows. I think a Jack and Karen show would have bropke even more barriers because they were total pervs!
