Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'm Going to be on MTV!

Ok, so maybe I'm only going to be part of a segment with no talking, etc. But, I can spin it as a TV credit.
Here's the truth. I currently do tutoring to make some extra cash. I am currently tutoring a young girl named P-Star (stage name) who is a rising actor and rapper. MTV came to film a "You Hear it First" segment. I got to hold the MTV News mic and say, "My name is Amy Patrick and I give MTV permission to use my image." Awesome!
So, MTV filmed us as we did our lesson for the day. It was bizarre. I'm sure I'll look completely insane. I did wear make-up and did my hair because I was told in advance of my brush with greatness. So, the whole thing is suppsoed to be on MTV next month. I will be honest and say that I am kind of excited. This is national TV bitches.
So, be on the look-out. I'm one step closer to fame and riches or at least infamy and bus fare.

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