Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Another Year Older and What Have You Done

For me this has been a big year of change. I left the library after 5 years and began a job with more freedom so that I could pursue comedy and writing. It's a long slog but I love all my friends who have supported me and made me feel like this was an okay idea. Especially a big heart of love to my husband who is an amazing man and is supportive of all my insanity.
Well, enough about me. I want to wish everyone a happy new year. Remember all of the people who face huge tragedy and our soldiers and our dumb ass government. If you pray, pray for them. If you don't just try to make your life and the lives of others as good as possible. Let's all work to make this country the amazing place it can be.
Sorry about all that. I think I just had a small brain aneurysm. So, good luck and God bless in 2006.

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