Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Sad Ballad of Terrell Owens

This is just a quick little post. I'll have something longer later. But, I want to talk about the biggest wasted potential in football, Terrell Owens. He cannot play for the rest of the season. His team and fans of the team would rather lose than play with him. He has spent the past day apologizing and no one believes him. His agent, Drew Rosenhaus has dug a grave for Terrell and possibly for himself.
All season and for most of his career Terrell has lacked tact as much as he has had talent. His body is a muscular freak of nature. He is probably the best trained athlete and his body fat is something like negative 10. He could run, break tackles, and generally create scores. But, with his scoring came an almost deadly personality. His problems with others can go back to his troubled youth. But, that excuse stopped working this past season.
Not one person doubts his talent. Right now you are reading this sad post from a woman who loved his antics. When he took the pom-poms and celebrated, I told everyone how much I loved him. It's getting harder to say that.
I feel bad that he will never have the career he should have. Hopefully, the desperate antics of Drew Rosenhaus have ruined him. He is a cancer and does nothing but hurt his athletes. Congrats Drew, you blew it. Congrats Terrell, you ruined your life. Isn't football great?

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