Saturday, August 20, 2005

Go Ask Alice

So, kids are getting their required reading and several schools are requiring "Go Ask Alice" by Anonymous (aka Beatrice Sparks, RN). This book was dated when I read it. Full disclosure, the reason I hate hippies is that I used to be one. Not a dirty hippie, just a generic peace and love and classic rock hippie. So, I read "Go Ask Alice" because it was about a square girl who becomes a hippie acid freak.
So, the whole gimmick of the book was that this girl who became a drug addict and dealer and delinquent tried to get her life together and then ended up relapsing. She died and we all go to read her "found" diary. I later found out through various sources that "Go Ask Alice" was a completely fictional book written by a nurse to keep kids off drugs.
I picture kids in Harlem who are being assigned this book basically laughing and saying "crazy white girl" as they try to understand the dated slang, descriptions, and various old fashioned drugs. It seems like the dumbest book to read. But, don't get me started on the school that had "Flowers in the Attic" on their required reading list.

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