Thursday, March 31, 2005

Five More Movies to Add to Your Netflix

Here they come again...

Go (dir. Doug Liman)- Great cast, funny script, and some really memorable scenes. The whole rave thing is going to seem dated now, but the characters and their situations make the movie still entertaining.

Starship Troopers (dir. Paul Veerhoven)- An unfairly maligned movie that people thought praised facism, not denouncing facism. The use of Anglo actors with Latino surnames is part of the satire. Look for great ideas about media and how all of us could become part of a proto-Nazi movement. "Service equals citizenship."

The Limey (dir. Steven Sodebergh)- Funny, sad, and clever. Terrence Stamp gives an amazing performance. Luis Guzman, Peter Fonda, and Nicky Katt all deliver good support. The story is a traditional revenge tale, but told boldly.

Undercover Brother (dir. Malcolm Lee)- Hilarious! One of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Clever and dumb, that is hard to pull off. Dave Chappelle steals the show as "Conspiracy Brother" and there are scenes skewing racism that are still laugh out loud funny to me.

Wonder Boys (dir. Curtis Hanson)- What a great movie. My husband enjoys movies where there are characters we grow to love and live with. This is a very smart movie that accurately captures English and creative arts departments with their unprofessional mingling of students and teachers. Well shot and well acted.

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