Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The Revolution Will NOT Be Televised

I can't believe it...he won. Why?
Do people like losing their jobs to Indians and want to scrape together a mortage working the AM shift at Target and the PM shift at GM?
Do people want their family members to fight in a war and die that we created?
Do people want to make sure minorities and gays have no voice, including their family members? And trust me, you all have gay relatives, they are afraid to tell you.
Do people want a country where librarians can go to jail for doing their job?
Do people want a draft?
Do people want much of the Constitution over turned?
Do people want unbreatheable air and more gas taxes?
Do people want to never pay for a college education?
Do people want the US to never be respected again? Remember, once people around the world looked up to us?
Well, if this is what you wanted, congrats! You succeeded. Just remember, that all the "red" states will never be bombed. Us "blue" states (NY, DC, California, Illinois) with a lot at stake might never recover. 9/11 never forget, more like never remember.

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