Thursday, August 26, 2004

Just Thinking...

I have come to the realization that I am what the kids term a "playa hater". And, I am going to say something about this right now. You're damn right, I am a hater. I hate almost everyone. A lot of people think this is crazy, but I can't help it. I find most people unbearable. Many times, I find myself unbearable.
I am going to admit something right now...
I am a self- loathing white person.
I hate white people. Most of them are fools. The ones who get on the train at 81st Street with their Manhattan Portage bags and copies of "Life of Pi". I just want to strangle them. They don't get it. The whole world hates them and their yuppie values. They walk around talking about polenta, pilates, and produce (preferably organic). They live in a shell. Why is that white people can live in a world where they never "know" a black person, but for black people this is not the case. But, for the most part everyone sits together in the cafeteria. I keep hoping for things to change, but it seems as if the big battles have been fought. Now we all just have to fight the small battles...
"Some of my best friends..."
"But not you, you're different"
"I'm moving for economic reasons"
"You act white"
It's 2004 and a biologist did a long term research that came to one conclusion. Race is a mental construct, melanin is the only difference.

1 comment:

  1. Do you really hate white people, or is it more the social apathy that they exude?

    Powerful stuff.
