Friday, July 02, 2004

Cue the Darth Vader Theme...

So, the Lakers are offering the coaching job to Coach K (I'm not even going to try to spell his last name) from Duke the head coach job. Perfect! Super! Great! As if the Los Angeles Lakers are not the most despised team around, you are going to hire a coach that college basketball fans love to hate. Yep, that ought to just about make your team as popular as ebola monkeys.

Coach K is a great coach, he has done everything he can with the Blue Devils. But, this could be another Pitino situation. What works in college does not work in professional.

I honestly feel like if Coach K takes it he will be giving in. I think he is tired of losing recruits and underclassmen to the draft. Going to Duke, just a few years ago, was a sign that you were going to get an actual education, albeit in sociology or phys ed., but you would have a degree. Now, Duke is losing as many underclassmen as any team out there. I think it kills Coach K to not be ruining as many players for the pros.

Ruining? Why would I say that? Look at Lattner, Hurley, Hill, Parks, etc... I guess he just wants to ruin some professional players now. Great, do it with the Lakers. But, Shaq, please leave. Go someplace fun. I like you as a person, you twisted my arm during the MTV Cribs episode, go to a team that won't be run by two preening wackos.

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